Thursday, November 22, 2012

always always always

i am not suppose to be here right now

i am suppose to be down stairs
but my sister and i ran off
and she smoked a camel light 
where the koi pond use to be
we never have had much in common
but we can just sit next to each other
and start laughing
in many ways we turned out the same
and in many ways she is better

and i prayed over aunt kathy today
i prayed as i did as a little girl
and i asked him to bury these things
with her and that she would understand
and i thanked him as i did as a little girl

and while i stand here in the highest room of the house 
next to the bells
its really fucking cold
and i feel the closest to god i have ever felt
and i feel the furthest from god i have ever felt

and sometimes i hate how you think you have to be so funny
how everyone has to have this tone
and how nobody is ever just
being soft
or how it sounds like it sounded last time
but then sometimes i hate how honest you are
and how often you are
and how you are being so sincere
and how you never hide a little to give me something to do

the other day he saved me a cup of coffee and held the door and checked up on me to make sure i was ok and i am sure i don't believe in love anymore and i am sure that this is nothing more than him being a regular person doing regular person things well regular nice person things but it felt like the most important things the nicest and most important things

alternative title:

words with friends// fission-fusion // you don’t know how nice that is //

Saturday, November 17, 2012

not a care in the world

we found a dumpster full of still hot pizza

my strap snapped on my backback

my bike chain is so rusted

it broke off

if i never turn my phone back on

its not my fault

my dealer is depressed so i cant reach them anyway

i woke up on the floor next to you i am not sure what happened 

 its ok

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

theres more to you molly grue

in austria it is thought
women should take up as little space as possible

aunt kathy is hooked up to like
a million machines
cause her lungs collapsed
and i mean really we all know
she is going to die
and everyone is throwing around
i'll pray for ...
while everyone is smoking
and saying "if only she took better care of herself"
and i can't stand it

to be fair

i am so tuned out these days
its like
when i said it was ok
like right now
is not ok though

i might even be bored
isn't that the worst thing

kathy would take pictures of the rows of crab apple trees
that lined the path between the houses
on the family property
and send them to me come spring
cause when i was 7 i wrote her a letter
telling her the tree
in our front yard bloomed
and it reminded me of how
her hair smells

it's still framed in her hallway
by the blue bathroom
with the porcelain goose
with the polka dot bow

she always took up lots of space
it seems the worst thing
to keep her tongue
pressed down
by a thick tube
and her hands
laced in with needles

Thursday, October 25, 2012

i am sitting cross-legged on the floor of a train museum

"i have agreed once and for all to submit to my inferiority. and yet i am not stupid. i realize that it may be necessary to think further than i do, and perhaps otherwise. i am waiting only for my brain to change, for its upper drawers to open. in an hour, and perhaps tomorrow, my thinking will have changed, but this present thought exists, i won't let my thoughts be lost."
       - antonin artaud

Friday, October 12, 2012


do you ever just feel so much
you can't say anything at all

you can't get yourself to roll over
and ask for them to touch you
because you are

and because last time

you want to know that
in some way
you are doing something right
when everything is going wrong
and you know its all going to end anyway
because you can't stop it
and because you can't
how you feel so much
that you can't talk

were you too scared to tell him
to put the condom on
did you keep it

do you ever draw hearts on your wrists
to remind your self to stop eating
but forget about it till you watch it wash off
into the dishes

why a heart?

was it easier for you to forgive your father
than yourself

Monday, October 8, 2012

adjustment disorder

sometimes you stand in the middle of the grocery store and just hold the kale tightly because it the only thing you are sure is ok

Monday, September 24, 2012

sparkle, sparkle

i touched myself
in the living room
with the shades open
my back arched
my pretty pink
toe nails point
and i puke
magic stars
for the world
i let the elastic
snap back.

i can come
just by closing my eyes.
i've always had to be
so quiet
maybe i'm a mermaid.

i like to crawl across the bed
makes me feel my
cow and cat
cow and cat.

sparkle, sparkle

Thursday, September 20, 2012

it's easier to get cold when you are naked

I woke up at 1:50
everything was so quiet
I held my breath
pulled the curtain
exhaled into the pillow

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I want a system of checks and balances
a careful tally, an affidavit of authentiticity

the cards are telling me...

Finding that comfort  may be difficult
Celestial energy a soft focus lens.
No matter how many faults and foibles they will seem to vanish like a morning mist under the romantic emanations from the cosmos.

how it feels when the you. becomes someone else.

here at this goddamn
so we into his bedroom

fumble like a like a clumsy all the wrogn keys and hands surpofulous no threats just fact: fear resembles belong. you have what I need you are what I need .

right there on that first day we understood each other but did that stop us from making mistakes in the future? in an effort for preservation he gave me all the things he wanted kept safe but all that really meant is all the things I had ever given him had somehow returned back to me only to remove me and all my efforts

1970: Diana Oughton, member of the Weathermen, is killed in a revolutionary bomb factory
1971: Harper's magazine devotes an entire issue to Norman Mailer's Prisoner of Sex
1972: Shirley Chisholm runs for President
1973: Supreme Court legalizes abortion following successful arguments by Sarah Weddington and Marjorie Pitts Hames
1974: Olivia Records is formed. First record is by Meg Christian and Chris Williamson
1975: Valentina Nikolaeva Tereshkova
1976: Barbara Walters signs million-dollar contract with abc
1977: Loose Umbrella Network Association
1978: John Rideout
1979: Margaret Thatcher

thaumaturgist roots cardinal lemon muzzle porte dauphine maxilla vexillology documentary karmic opaque euphony little moon little moon save me mascarpone overture paralipomena ohms stones and sticks candle wicks thick sighs tides east ostracized evenings youth lies pictures of her antinomies eidetic simple soup spoon sundays meanings noticing crepe toothless odor enjambed educible withering mistaken

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A love r masculine, so di s appoint ed, c an spe ak and urge expl ana t ion, a love r f eminine c an
s ay nothing: i f she did the result would be shame and angui sh, inwa rd r emor s e for selft r e a che ry. Na tur e would br and such demons t r a t ion as a r ebe l l ion aga ins t he r ins t inc t s ,
and would vindictively r epay it a f t e rwa rd by the thunde rbol t of s e l f - cont empt smi t ing
suddenly in secret. Take the ma t t e r a s you f ind it: a sk no que s t ions ; ut t e r no r emons t r anc e s : it is your best wi sdom. . . . Na tur e , howeve r , as ha s be en int ima t ed, is an excell ent f r i end in such cases; sealing the lips, int e rdi c t ing ut t e r anc e , commanding a pl a c id diss imul a t ion . 

Monday, March 5, 2012

the sexually tractable and the luckless men

Is there shame in begging for a solid yes or no when feeling absolutely wispy.
My eagerness my hands are becoming either irreparably vulgar or am I creating my own masochistic need for rejection.It is wearing to be honest.

I don't know where to draw these new lines. I feel like stretched elastic trying to figure out where the point of losing my form took place. If I was a man would I know what to do. I can't decide.

There is a pocket on the inside of my only appropriate skirt for work.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

i use to surround my self with negative art because i thought it was smarter.

i lost the slow eye lift
the peep toe
the casual strap fall

 are we all connected by the unwavering lie that this is ok?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

About Me

My photo
"you can't get spoiled if you do your own ironing"