Dad retired
I took him out for sushi
I don't think he liked it
I insisted on paying since I'm the only one with a job now
I could tell this was very hard for him
Read the Prayer of Peace at Zach's Bar Mitzvah
I was fucking nervous, but had no right
He literally had to speak in Hebrew for like 4 hours
It was something, to be a guest, where I once was the help
Worked a triple shift over Halloween
every part of my body hurt
As I left the bar my face dripped coffee oils and beer foam
my black turtleneck was covered in garlic butter from the tray of apps
that the lady in a blowup dinosaur's tail whipped off the table and I barely caught mostly with my chest,
I watched the streets fill with 20 somethings and I just wanted to go home.
I am going to buy myself a new set of sheets
blinds that roll up and down instead of being tied together with string
Enrolled in my last three community college classes before student teaching
I started getting the Sunday New York Times delivered straight to my door step
and the idea was I would sit on the couch with my coffee and read the paper
with my fake fireplace and clearance rack candle
but my shift starts at 8:30 and the paper arrives at 8:00
so I look through the magazine as I wait for my tips.
We have these ideas on how things are or aren't
I can convince myself that this is how I want it to be
I like me, because I am all these things
I can keep myself up, by continuing to improve
Here is where I am, today
I can do that as long as I am comparing myself to me
not what I imagine you compare me to.
I can not, be that.