Thursday, August 9, 2012

I want a system of checks and balances
a careful tally, an affidavit of authentiticity

the cards are telling me...

Finding that comfort  may be difficult
Celestial energy a soft focus lens.
No matter how many faults and foibles they will seem to vanish like a morning mist under the romantic emanations from the cosmos.

how it feels when the you. becomes someone else.

here at this goddamn
so we into his bedroom

fumble like a like a clumsy all the wrogn keys and hands surpofulous no threats just fact: fear resembles belong. you have what I need you are what I need .

right there on that first day we understood each other but did that stop us from making mistakes in the future? in an effort for preservation he gave me all the things he wanted kept safe but all that really meant is all the things I had ever given him had somehow returned back to me only to remove me and all my efforts

1970: Diana Oughton, member of the Weathermen, is killed in a revolutionary bomb factory
1971: Harper's magazine devotes an entire issue to Norman Mailer's Prisoner of Sex
1972: Shirley Chisholm runs for President
1973: Supreme Court legalizes abortion following successful arguments by Sarah Weddington and Marjorie Pitts Hames
1974: Olivia Records is formed. First record is by Meg Christian and Chris Williamson
1975: Valentina Nikolaeva Tereshkova
1976: Barbara Walters signs million-dollar contract with abc
1977: Loose Umbrella Network Association
1978: John Rideout
1979: Margaret Thatcher

thaumaturgist roots cardinal lemon muzzle porte dauphine maxilla vexillology documentary karmic opaque euphony little moon little moon save me mascarpone overture paralipomena ohms stones and sticks candle wicks thick sighs tides east ostracized evenings youth lies pictures of her antinomies eidetic simple soup spoon sundays meanings noticing crepe toothless odor enjambed educible withering mistaken

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"you can't get spoiled if you do your own ironing"