Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A love r masculine, so di s appoint ed, c an spe ak and urge expl ana t ion, a love r f eminine c an
s ay nothing: i f she did the result would be shame and angui sh, inwa rd r emor s e for selft r e a che ry. Na tur e would br and such demons t r a t ion as a r ebe l l ion aga ins t he r ins t inc t s ,
and would vindictively r epay it a f t e rwa rd by the thunde rbol t of s e l f - cont empt smi t ing
suddenly in secret. Take the ma t t e r a s you f ind it: a sk no que s t ions ; ut t e r no r emons t r anc e s : it is your best wi sdom. . . . Na tur e , howeve r , as ha s be en int ima t ed, is an excell ent f r i end in such cases; sealing the lips, int e rdi c t ing ut t e r anc e , commanding a pl a c id diss imul a t ion .
Monday, March 5, 2012
the sexually tractable and the luckless men
Is there shame in begging for a solid yes or no when feeling absolutely wispy.
My eagerness my hands are becoming either irreparably vulgar or am I creating my own masochistic need for rejection.It is wearing to be honest.
I don't know where to draw these new lines. I feel like stretched elastic trying to figure out where the point of losing my form took place. If I was a man would I know what to do. I can't decide.
There is a pocket on the inside of my only appropriate skirt for work.
My eagerness my hands are becoming either irreparably vulgar or am I creating my own masochistic need for rejection.It is wearing to be honest.
I don't know where to draw these new lines. I feel like stretched elastic trying to figure out where the point of losing my form took place. If I was a man would I know what to do. I can't decide.
There is a pocket on the inside of my only appropriate skirt for work.
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